Finished your purchase? Then you completed the hardest part, because installation of the application can be done in a few simple steps.
Skip (Step 1 and Step 2) if you already have node and npm or yarn installed.
Step 1: Install Homebrew
Homebrew is "The missing package manager for macOS". Open terminal and type the following command.
This will install Homebrew on your Mac. To check the version type the following command:
Step 2: Install Node via Homebrew
In the terminal type the following command to install Node:
If everything installed successfully then you can type in the following command in the terminal to check the Node and NPM version.
Step 3: Get the command line tool
You will run this tool locally to package, test, and publish your projects:
Step 4: Clone the app from the repo
Clone the repo into your local disk. You can name it whichever name you like:
Step 5: Setup Facebook App Id & Google Client Ids
The application offers social login and signup functionality. For this feature to work, you will need to update a number of variable strings that are located inside /config/constants.js:
A complete tutorial about how apply for and activate your personal Facebook and Google login API can be found in this step-by-step tutorial that I've written on this topic.
Step 6: Install and test the app
Test on your phone or on your laptop/desktop
If you'd like to test your app on your device, then visit your app store and install the Expo app on your device, or follow this link and download on your device.
If you'd like to test your app on your laptop / desktop with iOS simulator, then follow these installation instructions.
If you'd like to test your app on your laptop / desktop with android emulator, then follow these installation instructions.
Last updated
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