How to upload to TestFlight

TestFlight is the iOS application used to test new versions of your iOS app before submitting them to the app store. Here I will explain the steps how to submit your iOS app to TestFlight.

For this section, make sure to have your project ready inside Xcode. Don't know how to open your project in Xcode? Simply follow the steps in the 'How to deploy in development' section.

Step 1: Set the General section for your app

Look for the 'General' tab, select the 'Holigo' target and add your Bundle Identifier. (If you don't know what your Bundle ID is, you may have to revisit the 'How to add the push notifications service' section of these docs.)

Also make sure to create a Display Name and update your Build value each time you upload a new version to TestFlight (and a new version number for a new update of the inside the App store).

Next, open the 'OneSignalNotificationServiceExtention' Targets tab and:

  • add a Bundle ID, but make sure your string ends with OneSignalNotificationServiceExtension (i.e. com.knowlephant.testapp.OneSignalNotificationServiceExtension).

  • Do not change the Display Name

  • Make sure the Version number and Build number are the same as those added inside the 'Holigo' Target.

Step 2: Set the Signing & Capabilities for your app

Select the 'Signing & Capabilities' tab of the Holigo Target. Here make the following changes:

  • make sure to have 'Automatically manage signing' checked.

  • select your name inside the Team field.

  • update the Bundle Identifier with your own Bundle ID.

Next, look for the 'App Groups' section, press the '+' icon and add a new container with your own Bundle ID. Here, make sure that:

  • your string starts with 'group' and ends with 'onesignal.

  • once your new App Group container is added, make sure to check your new name and uncheck the existing old name. (You may also choose to remove the entire App Group and re-add using the '+ Capability button' and repeating this step.)

Next, repeat these steps but this time for the 'OneSignalNotificationServiceExtention' Targets tab:

Step 3: Archiving your new build

Before we can upload the app to TestFlight, we need to more things:

  • Add a new app to your App Store Connect section (using your Apple Develop Account).

  • Archive your build before uploading to TestFlight.

Let's start with the latter. For this, start by pressing the build target button (See below):

In the menu, select 'Any iOS Device':

Next, open the 'Product' tab and select 'Archive'. Xcode will now begin to archive your app, which may take some time to complete:

In the meantime, let's add your new app to App Store Connect in the next step.

Step 4: Setting up your TestFlight environment and completing the TestFlight upload

First step is to open your Apple Developer Account and visit the 'App Store Connect' area. Here, press the '+' icon, fill in the form, and add your new app.

Now, once your app finishes archiving, let complete the upload by pressing the 'Distribute App' option:

In the following series of screens, make sure to:

  1. select 'App Store Connect' as your distribution method.

  2. 'Upload' as your destination.

  3. keep all options checked in the distribution options.

  4. select 'Automatically manage siging' in the Re-sign view.

Once finished, you should see this screen from where you press Upload to start the uploading process.

Once the upload process is finished, you should receive the following screen:

Your app may not appear immediately inside the TestFlight section of your App Store Connect app, but it will get there eventually.

Note: it could happen that the uploading results in a 'Failure' screen. If this is the case, your session may have timed out. Simply repeat the steps inside this Step 4 and your upload should be successful eventually.

Step 5: Install the TestFlight app and start testing

Once processing of your app in App Store Connect has completed, it's time to start testing. There is, however, one small matter that still needs to be dealt with: Managing Complience.

Simply click the 'Manage' link:

... select 'No' and press 'Start Internal Testing':

Note: it is up to you and your specific circumstances to decide whether or not you are required to submit a year-end self classification report to the US government.

Next (and the final step) is to add yourself as an Internal Tester. Simply visit the 'App Store Connect Users' tab, press the 'Add Testers' button, and add yourself as tester.

You will now receive an email from Apple with further instructions on how to download the app to your iPhone.

Last updated